Monday, January 12, 2015


I am so excited to start this blog up and getting it running. I am excited for what God has planned through this blog. The healing that can come from this. The healing I will get through writing out this blog. The pain I will be able to share with others and shed.

I am so excited that I am finally listening to God and doing this blog. You will find under my ABOUT ME page that I have been a bit worrisome about doing this blog. The people close to me don't know everything that I have kept inside of me. I am a bit afraid for them to find these things out. I don't want there to be any resentment, anger, pity, and any other feelings toward me. All I want is support and understanding from those that are closest to me. There are reasons why I never told them about certain events within my life. A few reasons are: would they believe me, would they be angry with me, would they support me? I have had this discussion with my loving, understanding, and patient husband. It is time to let go and let God!

So, please grab a cup of coffee, tea, soda, or any other beverage you may like and come sit down with me. Get to know me and my story. Learn how God worked in my life to bring me to the place that I am today. See how I desperately want to help others with God's help. I so want this to be a healing place, a place where we can let go and let God.

Please take a moment and introduce yourself! I hope to read your story soon.



  1. Hi Tammy, when I became an empty nester I wrote in my journal about how it felt to see my kids leave home and the importance of letting them go. I titled it "Let Go and Let God" It's so funny that you are using that, It's so true and yet so hard to do unless you have a grasp of the things that God can do in your life if you just let him. Would love to share my story with you sometime. I will be following along with you as well. Good luck and God Bless.

  2. Betty,

    Thank you so much for stopping by! I would love to hear your story sometime. I must admit I am a bit scared on this journey I am taking. I know God has me going this way even though I have no clue as to why yet.
